"I do!"

Hello Friend

Welcome to the new week. Here's a little story that could help you get your breakthrough this week and help you establish freedom in your life.

Here it is...

Last Thursday, before she left for school I told our eldest daughter (who is soon to be a teenager) to tidy her bedroom because she had a friend coming over the next evening. She replied "yes dad, I know, I'll do it when I get home". When she got home that evening I reminded her she still needed to tidy her room. Her reply was "Yes, I know".

Sure enough the next morning arrived and her bedroom still looked like a disaster zone. I reminded her again before she set of for school... "Look, you really need to tidy your bedroom otherwise you won't be able to play with your friend". "Yes, I know" came the reply again (which in teenage speak simply means "leave me alone")

Anyway it got to early Friday evening and I said "Look, you HAVE to tidy your bedroom" and sure enough about 10 minutes before her friend came over she finally cleared the clutter. 

The key thing to release here is the massive difference between "I know" and "I do".

I'm sure you know that making money online is hard work, I'm sure you know what you're supposed to do but for many people the only problem is they forget to turn their "I know" into "I do".

Take action today and turn your knowledge into action. It's the ONLY way you will see transformation of your position. It sure beats crossing your fingers and hoping your boss will give you a pay rise or you'll win the lottery ;-)

Just in case you don't know how to make money online, I've made it REALLY simple with my "getin1st" system:

1) Join PureLeverage today for $1 trial (with 30 day money back guaran'tee) - join here: http://www.getin1st.com/join/ianb

2) Simply advertise this link: www.getin1st.com/ianb (replace "ianb" with your OWN chosen PureLeverage username).

That's it! I look after everything else for you - just like this email is promoting the referral link of the person who introduced you to this business. Does it work? Well, you wouldn't be seeing this email now if it didn't!

By the way, if you're wondering where to promote your link, I've made that simple too: check out my tips at http://www.loadsmoreleads.com

Keep it simple, keep it real, but don't just learn about it, DO it.

Hope you have a fantastic week

Paul Hardingham - full-time stay at home dad since 2001

Skype me: 'paulhardingham'

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