Girl Finds A 3-Inch Leech Living In Her Face! (PHOTO)

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-- While traveling around Southeast Asia, a woman named Daniela Liverani was getting frequent nosebleeds which she attributed to a motorbike crash, but it turned out to be something much, much worse. Shortly after she returned home, she saw a lump peeking out of her nose which she thought was just congealed blood, and that a motorbike accident had caused her to burst a blood vessel. It turned out that the cause was actually a living leech, 3 inches long and poking out of her nostrils. Are you scared of any bugs or animals? What would your nightmare scenario be? Comment below and share your story! Click to subscribe: Host: Ana Kasparian Guests: Sandra Daugherty Cara Santa Maria The Point with Ana Kasparian is a smart and fast-paced panel show giving you a weekly round up of the hottest stories of the week. Each week Ana sits down with some of your favorite hosts from The Young Turks and other interesting personalities that each bring their unique perspectives on everything from news to pop culture.

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