How To Get Traffic To Your Website Using Facebook Video

Building an MLM downline can be so much easier...

... when everyone on you team knows how to DRIVE TRAFFIC to their website. Here's three quick and easy ways how to get traffic to your website by using video. Now most people hear video, and automatically think You Tube. However, we're going to talk about Facebook video. Yup, Facebook! Video on Facebook? That's crazy talk, right? Well the fact is, video is one of the top engaging mediums on the web, and I recently saw a statistic that said the by the year 2017, over 70% of business marketing will be done via video. How huge is that? Now if that number is anywhere close to being accurate, then video would be a powerful method of how to get traffic to your website. So let's talk about three ways how to get traffic to your website by using video on Facebook. One point to address before getting started is that these strategies will work best when using your Facebook fan page. Their terms of service prohibit people from doing business on their personal profiles, so keep that in mind. These are pretty easy for anyone to implement. There is a slight learning curve. Like anything else, the more you practice something, the more skillful you become at it. Ok, here we go! How To Get Traffic To Your Website with video on Facebook tip #1 -- So like I mentioned before, you're going to want to use your fan page for this method. What you want to do is first shoot your video. Make it 3-5 minutes long, and be sure that it's value based. You're going to want to teach on a topic that is relevant and beneficial to your audience. Upload this to Facebook as your status update, write a text post to go with it, which includes a call to action, and your link to your website. Obviously, if you have an established brand this will work to your advantage a little better because you have already built up your following. Have no fear though. You can always boost this post for a small fee to reach a wider audience. This is a fantastic way to keep providing tips, training, and become better connected to those who are attracted to your brand, as well as how to get traffic to your website. How To Get Traffic To Your Website with video on Facebook tip #2 -- This second way to leverage Facebook video to drive traffic to your site is pretty simple too. Fine tuning an audience to target is the big key to this particular method. You'll want to create an ad for the news feed as a dark post, using the power editor inside your ad manager. Facebook provides some guidance on how these features work, and I'll be covering them in another training post and video. For this you're going to want to keep your video short and sweet. Sixty seconds or so would be a perfect length of time. You're going to create a Pay Per Click ad with that dark post. The video will briefly introduce yourself, ask a question which highlights an obstacle that folks are having with their business, push on that pain a little bit, and then offer a solution in the form of your offer. You must include a verbal call to action to click the link in your ad copy. This is a tried and true way how to get traffic to your website. How To Get Traffic To Your Website with video on Facebook tip #3 -- The third option to use video on Facebook is similar to both the ad and value video methods. The twist on this is to drive your traffic to an application tab that's embedded right on your fan page. Facebook is going to give your post more engagement if the page you direct them to is within Facebook itself. There are plenty of platforms to create custom Facebook tabs where you can place your capture page right inside your own piece of Facebook real estate. For one training platform that has this feature go to . You simply create either one of the video types we spoke about in steps one and two, and direct them back to these application tabs. This will also increase the number of fan page likes, as well as engagement on your page, because in order to see your offer, the viewer must "like" your page. Cool stuff if I do say so myself. So try these out today. These are extremely dynamic, yet simple, ways how to get traffic to your website using the power of video. Do you believe one of these options could work for you? I hope so, because they will! If you have any questions on how to get traffic to your website using video on Facebook, just drop me a comment below. If you feel like this post can help someone, please feel free to share it on your social media. As always, I appreciate you, and am happy to help you build your business. To see the replay of How To Get Traffic To Your Website Using Facebook Video go to

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